Masjid Muhammad of Atlantic City seeks your help to continue operating the masjid in the upcoming months. As we all have been affected by the pandemic and are working through these difficult times, we appreciate any assistance you may offer to the masjid. In an effort to protect the health of community members we have halted our in-person classes and programs, with the exception of Jumu’uah prayers. This has caused a decrease in our normal donations that the Masjid depends on to pay our monthly expenses and continue to serve the community and distribute charity to those in need. Furthermore, there has been an increase in need for sadaqa for families in our community who are struggling due to the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic.
When you donate to Masjid Muhammad, your money goes to support our daily online lessons open to everyone, charity to local families in need, and Masjid operation costs which include electric, gas, water, sewage and repairs. Your support is needed to maintain our physical stability as well as our spiritual stability in the community. “Who will loan to Allah a beautiful loan?” |